Recently our colleagues from Law and Internet Foundation have launched an online platform that introduces data protection law in an easily accessible manner. The e-learning platform is built as part of the INFORM (INtroduction of the data protection reFORM to the judicial system) project and is available on the following link.
The registration is quick and straightforward, allowing the user to choose his/ her role (judiciary, court staff & legal practitioner) since the platform is organised in three distinct modules. Each of the modules provides tailored content according to the specifics of each of the roles.
The platform provides comprehensive introduction to EU data protection law, focusing not only on GDPR but also on the provision of Directive 2016/680. The users can quickly check their knowledge on the topic as the e-learning platform maintains self-assessment functionality.
This article is created as part of the INFORM (INtroduction of the data protection reFORM to the judicial system) project, financed under the Justice Program of the European Commission. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.